How Corporate Concepts' Project Management Stands Out

We're guessing it's no surprise to you but finding the perfect high-performance furniture solution for our clients is an intricate process. 

From the beginning, our team starts working closely with our clients to create lookbooks, plans, interactive mockups, and more to build the foundation of our future design. We tirelessly research and consider different pieces to fit our clients' needs. We orchestrate communication and details with our client and all their related teams. And then, at the end, we work to ensure a problem-free installation.  

This process doesn't have a set timeline. Depending on the scale, location, and specific challenges of the job, it could take a few months to years. And sometimes, our team is confronted with even larger obstacles, like a global pandemic. 

This may sound overwhelming, but at Corporate Concepts, these are the steps our team of expert designers, coordinators, and account managers take every day. In fact, our next-level project management skills are what make us a trusted partner for our valued clients - here's why: 


For Corporate Concepts, consistent, transparent communication is the key to a successful job.  

Our project teams are constantly balancing several entities' needs, questions, and restrictions, not just our clients'. This could include the clients' architecture firm, construction company, real estate service, chosen vendors – the list goes on.  

Running point on communication, Corporate Concepts is then tasked with keeping all teams apprised of project updates. This could include: 

  • Product order changes 
  • Product order deliveries 
  • Updates on site construction or renovation
  • Scheduling for installs and any conflicts 
  • Updates on budgeting and furniture pricing 
  • Safety standards that need to be adhered to and more

If it weren't for our team's proactive planning and communication, this balancing act would be sure to fail. But instead, we're always a phone call away and able to quickly disseminate updates and tasks as needed to get the job done on time and on budget. 

Even if our team can't be onsite to monitor things, we're still close to the action. When installing 20 floors of furniture inside of a new tower for a global banking company, we chose a trusted partner to complete the installation. Our teams stayed in constant contact with them, allowing us to handle any issues or questions that arose in real-time.




To keep communication running smoothly between multiple entities during large-scale projects, you'll need excellent organizational skills. 

Our team takes pride in not missing a single detail, from the biggest product changes to the tiniest footnote. 

During that large-scale installation for our global banking client, our team wasn’t just handling the normal intricacies of a job of that size. They were also contending with the added restrictions of the pandemic. This meant managing delayed deliveries, handling changing schedules, and adapting to each team's set of safety protocols. 

It's no small feat to absorb these complicated specifics and reduce them into a manageable set of steps to move forward. But once again, our team navigated these difficult circumstances through precise and comprehensive planning to successfully get the job done. 




We love the unique challenges our clients' projects present. Our Corporate Concepts project managers don't see them as obstacles; instead, they're simply puzzles that are waiting to be solved. 

For example – when working with our global banking client, Corporate Concepts' original design suggestions were over their established budget. Now, our team was tasked with finding the quality solutions our client needed at the right cost. 

Corporate Concepts found an answer that helped both our clients' budget and the planet. In other buildings they owned, this bank had several pieces of gently used furniture that met their current needs. These products were repurposed and implemented in their new space, saving them from being sent to a landfill. This was an exciting solution for our client, who recently announced their goal of mobilizing $1 trillion by 2030 for their environmental business initiative. 

"Now," explained project manager Erin Fanthorpe, "we're still providing high-quality furniture but also saving money and recycling." 




Most of all, Corporate Concepts' project managers are so successful because their goal isn't to meet a clients' expectations. They are constantly striving to exceed them. This demands a high level of excellence within all areas of account and project managing; luckily, our team keeps proving they are up to the task.

If you're looking for a partner you can trust to build an interior furniture solution for your company, we're here to help. Contact us today to explore your options.