Berger Schatz's Transformed Office Space: A Case Study in Innovation and Collaboration
Berger Schatz is a leading law firm with a reputation for excellence. When it came time to update their office space, they wanted to create a space that would reflect their commitment to innovation and collaboration. They partnered with Charlie Greene Studio, a renowned design firm, to create a space that would be both functional and stylish.
Community Building
The transformation of Berger Schatz's office space was extensive. The conference center was expanded and given a sophisticated ambiance, creating an ideal space for meetings and presentations. An inviting café area with panoramic views became a central hub for collaboration and socialization. The private offices were redesigned with a universal size concept, promoting flexibility and uniformity. Seamless integration of video conferencing tools in each attorney's office and conference room enhances productivity and communication.
The sleek Scandinavian-inspired design, with residential-inspired elements, brings sophistication and comfort to the workspace. The furniture was carefully selected to reflect the firm's brand and values. The reception area features pieces from Bernhardt, Nienkamper, DWR, Haute Living, and &Tradition. The workstations and private offices are furnished with pieces from Knoll, SitOnIt, and Andreu World. The conference and collaboration spaces feature pieces from Bernhardt, Nienkamper, Gubi, Ferm Living, Haute Living, and &Tradition. The café is furnished with pieces from DWR, Ton, Prismatique, and VenueIndustries.
The transformation of Berger Schatz's office space has been a resounding success. The new space has been praised by employees and clients alike for its functionality, style, and commitment to innovation and collaboration.
Here are some of the key takeaways from Berger Schatz's office transformation:
Focus on workplace culture: Berger Schatz wanted to create a space that would foster collaboration and socialization. They achieved this by creating inviting common areas, such as the café area and conference center.
Embrace technology: Berger Schatz seamlessly integrated video conferencing tools into each attorney's office and conference room. This allows employees to collaborate easily with clients and colleagues, regardless of location.
Create a comfortable and stylish workspace: Berger Schatz chose furniture that was both functional and stylish. They also incorporated residential-inspired elements into the design, such as soft seating and warm lighting.
Final Thoughts
If you are considering transforming your office space, Berger Schatz's case study is a great example of what is possible. By focusing on workplace culture, embracing technology, and creating a comfortable and stylish workspace, you can create a space that will support your team and help you achieve your business goals. Reach out to us today to discuss how we can help you create an innovative workplace for your business.